Monday, February 11, 2008

My current state of mind...

Listen mother fuckers and bitches....If I wanna go back to school one day, I will. I don't care about your past experiences and your wise advice. I will do as I please with MY life. As far as going to back school just to obtain a degree in something I have no interest in and will never pursue, it just doesn't seem like a good idea to me. I'm not gonna do it just to please everyone around me! If I decide one day that I am interested in something enough to learn everything about it and work in the field everyday, then I will go back. But, until then, leave me alone!

The moral of the story: Don't fucking annoy the fuck out of me about going back to fucking school.

Please pass this message on to whoever may need to hear it!


Anonymous said...

haha, u go girl! who is annoying u, mishmishy1?

Mishy said...

my mom mentioned it. which means she'll also mention it to Renee to mention to me, and anyone else who will listen.

renee said...

WHAT?!!! I have no idea what your talking about?!!!...bitch

Mishy said...

hahahaha! my mom always tells you to talk to me about school! i'm not saying you would have. i'm just saying i know she'll tell you to tell me!

Anonymous said...

don't worry about anything, just do what makes YOU happy.

Anonymous said...

Always do what feels right. While people only have the best intentions, they tend to be the ones that annoy us the most. It's your blog, get the anger out!!

--Cousin Farah

din-din said...

i know im one of those. only because you were wishy-washy sometimes with it. and i am obviously going to push you in that direction. however, if you are sure of your decision, then do as you please my dear. i learned my lesson. i listened to everyone else and now i wish i could go back to school and do what i wanted, not what i was told. like farah said, DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT to you. you are the only one that knows. and if parents bug you again, just take the "tuition" money and spend time "studying" at "school"--ill meet you at the mall. ;)

Reta said...

um OK Dina. I don't recall Baba ever telling you to go to business school. You stand corrected.

din-din said...

not talkin bout dad bitch. im sorry, was dad in that statement? was my subliminal messae in there

Jennifer said...

hahaha why is cousin farrah so wise? i can't handle it sometimes.