Friday, December 28, 2007

New Years Resolutions...

I know most people make New Years Resolutions but forget them soon after the new year starts. I have a few resolutions for this coming year and some aren't so much for the new year but more for life. I've gotten a head start on the first (and most important) one already:

1) To lose weight. I know this is a typical resolution for everyone. But this is my year! I've been training with a trainer ( Jeremy James aka JJ ) for about 5 months now and have lost a little weight, but if I had taken it more seriously from the beginning I could have lost a lot more weight. But no regrets, I'm still losing weight. SOOO the moral of the story is that this year, I am gonna start living a healthier life by working out more/better and eating much better/healthier food! (Renee, Marie, Chris, Foof, Farah and anyone else that reads this: I NEED YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT! and RENEE: NO MORE JUNK FOOD AND DO NOT TRY TO DISSUADE ME FROM GOING TO THE GYM ONLY TO COME OVER AND LAZE AROUND INSTEAD!!)

2) Volunteer More! I wanna help people! I've been very blessed and need to pass it on more!

3) LEARN TO MANAGE MONEY!!!! Why don't I have any money? I have nothing to show for all the money I've made the past year or two. It's so sad, but I'm gonna learn this year! I have to! If anyone has any tips, let me know!

4) Travel somewhere new! I'm starting off the year by going to NYC with Marie, Renee, Farah and Nickole at the end of January which I'm SUPER EXCITED about! But I want to go somewhere I haven't been. LA for sure to visit Chris and the band. but also either Boston, Miami, Nashville (or somewhere random and country), Seattle, or San Diego.

5) Out with the Old, In with the New. I'm letting go of all past boyfriends, crushes, heartaches, and mistakes. This will be a better year for love. (hopefully)

6) Help Grow! I've been employed by them for almost a year now and I think it's time for me to be a better employee. Anyone know any restaurants that need online ordering? Let me know! =)

I guess those are the major resolutions for the coming year and lifetime....


marie antoinette said...

those are good GOALS...i refrain from calling them resolutions. i will help you only if you don't get mad.

renee said...

i don't believe in new years resolutions!!

but they sound good michelle! i wan to go to lifetime with you...really i do, i just can't get myself there!

Anonymous said...

Mish...very proud. AND I agree with marie...only if you don't get mad. And with renee--just can't seem to make it to the gym...even though my gym is WALKING DISTANCE from my house. :) And I will definitely help with the volutneering thing!

Anonymous said...

can u guys update your blogs! i'm really bored over here, ya know!

Reta said...

ha ha Foof...where is your blog?