I'm craving the caNino. I haven't been there since vegas! And I didn't even play that much in vegas either. I now am not afraid or ashamed to admit that at one point in my life I think I may have had a slight addiction to the casino. I say "slight" addiction cause I think if I was full-blown addicted I wouldn't have been able to stop so easily and I would have gambled more money while I was there. I used to go up to four times a week. What was wrong with us?!!? How was I even able to afford that? I haven't been to MGM yet, I heard it's purty nice down there. I'm trying to make my friends leave work early today and go with me but nobody will =( Anyone wanna go?? Haha
I'm SOOO jealous, Brian and Brent! =( Brent, you should not be going to Vegas, I SHOULD BE! You belong on cruises not in Vegas! =)

I miss you, Fabulous Las Vegas!
i want to go to vegas, i need warm weather and would love to hit the jackpot!
i will go to vegas anytime beginning in march when the sun is nice and hot and i can read in a chair by the pool topless. haha, jk.
mar, we know u are not serious. i will book right now!! I was actually thinking about how much i wanted to go while i was at work. mishy, did you read my mind?
i meant to say "mar we know u are not kidding" sometimes i get ahead of myself!
remember that reta?
ain't no jackpot in vegas. that's only in movies!
by the way, michelle, why did you refer to it as caNino? is that an inside joke or are you slightly retarded?
dina, you whore. we all know you went topless. it's okay. vegas has a way of sneaking the devil into your life.
btw, i don't care if you think i blog too much, michelle. you're just jealous cuz you blog once a week.
i only went topless because the book i was reading was bigger than my boobs...
it was a mini-book attached to my keychain.
PS. mish, when you go to vegas, please let me know. i will have to be jealous that weekend.
man im pretty sure this is the last blog ill ever read.
yes dina, you whore...lmaooo. that was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. When I walked down to the pool and got situated, it took me at least 10 minutes to realize that Dina and my friend were both topless! It was hilarious, but hey, everyone was doing it! (no I couldn't get myself to do it)
by the way, i have a suggestion for your products mishy...."dress me up." or "dress it up." what do you guys think?
reta there was no giant atlas available poolside for your girls. and i like dress me up VERY cute
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